With The Technology House’s 20th anniversary this month, I have done much reflecting on how and why we got to this mark. If you ask someone that has worked with us, they will say that we do Rapid Prototyping, Additive Manufacturing, 3D printing, Injection Molding or CNC Machining. They will tell you the services we provide. While driving in to work today it hit me like a ton of bricks when I asked, “Why do we do what we do?” Yes, The Technology House can make parts but the reason we are here is bigger than that.
While working at a leading consumer goods company our owner Chip Gear began noticing thousands of dollars being spent on rapid prototypes from his engineering team. As he starting to dig into WHY they needed these parts, he found his answer. Time.
It saved them time. See, time is the one thing we can never replace or get back. You can rework a project or fix a tool, but you will never get the time spent on that back. He realized that this process was a disruptive technology, able to cut new product launches from years to months.
So, 20 years later, here we are. Still working every day to save people in this world time. Pushing the limits to reduce product launches from years to months to weeks.
There is a lot of hype and excitement in the 3D Printing industry today. Entrepreneurs like Chip are the reason this excitement can be found in classrooms, universities and companies worldwide.
Today, we celebrate Chip and his family. We celebrate all our customers, vendors, suppliers and especially the employees that helped to get us to where we are at today. And we celebrate The Future and all its unknowns. We will all keep pushing the boundaries of time with innovative design and technologies to help better the companies of the world and future.
With the utmost appreciation, we thank you! We would not be here today without all of you!